First Entry - July 11, 2008. (go back »)

July 11 2008, 6:12 PM

Hey everyone. :] So this is my first entry. I doubt anyone will read it. But I'll write it just to satisfy myself. K, so I'm new to this designing thing. I'm so proud of myself, for today I figured out image mapping. YAY. I guess I'll tackle rollovers next. That might prove a bit more challenging. But anyways, I made a new layout. I love it! However, I'm a bit worried people on here won't. It's kinda a big resolution. Which is another thing. Fucking createblog pisses me off so much. I can't use my own screenshots when submitting layouts, I have to get my friend to do it for me 'cause of my screen resolution. It's rediculous. I mean, everyone and their mothers have screens my size or bigger. Unless they have a really old shitty screen. Oh well. I'll be submitting my new layout tomorrow or something, once I make sure there are no bugs left it in, and I get a screen shot from a friend.


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  • 16 years old


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